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Apr 20, 2011

World’s Worst Invasive Species

Crazy Ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes)


Crazy ants (so called because of their frenetic movements) have invaded native ecosystems and caused environmental damage from Hawai’i to the Seychelles and Zanzibar. On Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean, they have formed multi-queen supercolonies in at least eight areas of rainforest, foraging in all habitats, including the rainforest canopy.

They are also decimating the red land crab (Gecarcoidea natalis) populations. In 18 months the crazy ants were able to kill 3 million crabs. The land crabs play an important role in Christmas Island’s forest ecosystem helping in litter breakdown and influencing forest composition by eating leaves and seedlings of rainforest trees. Crazy ants also prey on, or interfere in, the reproduction of a variety of arthropods, reptiles, birds and mammals on the forest floor and canopy. Their ability to farm and protect sap-sucking scale insects, which damage the forest canopy on Christmas Island, is one of their more surprising attributes. Although less than 5% of the rainforest on Christmas Island has been invaded so far, scientists are concerned that endangered birds such as the Abbott’s booby (Sula abbotti), which nests nowhere else in the world, could eventually be driven to extinction through habitat alteration and direct attack by the ants.

Brown Tree Snake (Boiga irregularis)

A native of Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands, the brown tree snake is thought to have hitchhiked to Guam on military aircraft in the late 1940s or early 1950s. The lack of natural predators and ample prey allowed the snake population to explode. By the 1970s it was found island-wide and had done extensive economic and ecological damage.


It has caused major power outages across the island and sometimes bites people, but is most infamous for its near complete extermination of Guam’s native forest birds. The brown tree snake is a serious threat to the biological diversity of other tropical islands. It is able to conceal itself in cargo on boats and aircraft and even in airplane wheel-wells and has reached destinations as far afield as Micronesia, Hawai’i, mainland United States and Spain. Areas most at risk are wet tropical locations that receive large volumes of human and commercial traffic.

Caulerpa Seaweed (Caulerpa taxifolia)


Caulerpa was introduced to the Mediterranean around 1984, possibly as waste from the Monaco Aquarium. There is speculation that the species released into the Mediterranean was a hardier clone of the original tropical seaweed. It adapted well to colder waters and has spread throughout the northern Mediterranean where it is a serious threat to the native marine flora and fauna. New colonies are able to start from small segments of this plant and, being an opportunistic hitchhiker, it is a threat to the whole of the Mediterranean. Wherever it has established itself, it has smothered habitats such as the beds of native sea grass that serve as nurseries for many species.

On 12th June 2000, divers in a lagoon near San Diego in the United States discovered a patch of Caulerpa measuring 20 metres by 10 metres. In this case too, it is thought that the infestation occurred after somebody emptied a fish tank into a storm-water drain. Luckily this invasion was discovered at an early stage and measures were taken to eradicate it.

Avian Malaria (Plasmodium relictum)


Honeycreeper with malaria carrying mosquitos

Avian malaria was introduced to Hawai’i in exotic birds kept by settlers, but it needed a vector to spread. This was made possible following the introduction of the southern house mosquito (Culex quiquefasciatus) in the water barrels of a sailing ship in 1826. Hawaii’s unique native birds succumbed quickly because, unlike nonnative birds, they have no resistance to avian malaria. Unique birds such
as the colour-ful honeycreepers, which evolved into a diverse array of species and subspecies to fill different niches, are threatened by this disease and by habitat loss. Avian malaria, through its mosquito vector has contributed to the extinction of at least 10 native bird species in Hawai’i and threatens many more.

Feral Pig (Sus scrofa)


Feral pigs are escaped or released domestic animals. Introduced to many parts of the world, they damage crops, stock and property and transmit many diseases such as Leptospirosis and foot and mouth disease. Rooting pigs dig up large areas of native vegetation and spread weeds, disrupting ecological processes such as succession and species composition.

They are omnivorous and their diet can include juvenile land tortoises, sea turtles, sea birds and endemic reptiles. Management of this invasive species is complicated by the fact that complete eradication is often not acceptable to communities that value feral pigs for hunting and food.

Strawberry Guava (Psidium cattleianum)

The strawberry guava is native to Brazil, but has been naturalised in Florida, Hawai’i, tropical Polynesia, Norfolk Island and Mauritius for its edible fruit. It forms thickets and shades out native vegetation in tropical forests and woodlands. It has had a devastating effect on native habitats in Mauritius and is considered the worst plant pest in


Hawai’i, where it has invaded a variety of natural areas. It benefits from feral pigs (Sus scrofa) which, by feeding on its fruit, serve as a dispersal agent for its seeds. In turn, the guava provides favourable conditions for feral pigs, facilitating further habitat degradation.

Miconia (Miconia calvescens)


A highly ornamental tree from South America, Miconia was introduced to a botanical garden on the island of Tahiti in 1937. Its huge red and purple leaves made it highly desirable for gardeners. It was spread into the wild by fruit-eating birds and today, more than half the island is heavily invaded by this plant. It has a superficial and tentacular rooting system that contributes to landslides and has become the dominant canopy tree over large areas of Tahiti, shading out the entire forest under-story. Scientists estimate that several of the island’s endemic species are threatened with extinction as a result of habitat loss due to Miconia.

It has been introduced to other Pacific islands, including Hawai’I where it was introduced as an ornamental in the 1960s.  The plant has since been found in many locations on the Hawai’ian islands. It is still sold as an ornamental plant in the tropics.

Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis)


The mosquito fish is a small, harmless-looking fish native to the fresh waters of the eastern and southern United States. It has become a pest in many waterways around the world following initial introductions early last century as a biological control of mosquito. In general, it is considered to be no more effective than native predators of mosquitoes. The highly predatory mosquito fish eats the eggs of economically desirable fish and preys on and endangers rare indigenous fish and invertebrate species. Mosquito fish are difficult to eliminate once established, so the best way to reduce their effects is to control their further spread. One of the main avenues of spread is continued, intentional release by mosquito-control agencies.

Small Indian Mongoose (Herpestes javanicus (auropunctatus))


This voracious and opportunistic predator is native to areas from Iran, through India to Myanmar and the Malay Peninsula. It was introduced to Mauritius and Fiji and to the West Indies and Hawai’I in the late 1800s to control rats. Unfortunately, this early attempt at biological control has had disastrous impacts. Island populations of native fauna, which had evolved without the threat of a fastmoving, mammalian predator, were no match for the mongoose. It has caused the local extinction of several endemic birds, reptiles and amphibians and threatens others including the rare

Japanese Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi). The small Indian mongoose is also a vector of rabies.

Rosy wolfsnail (Euglandina rosea)

Native to the southeastern United States, the predatory rosy wolf snail was introduced to islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans from the 1950s onwards as a biological control agent for another alien species, the giant African snail (Achatina fulica). The giant African snail was intended as a food source for humans but became an agricultural pest. In French Polynesia, the fast moving rosy wolf snail rapidly eliminated local endemic species.


One group threatened by the rosy wolf snail is the Partula tree snails, which evolved separately from each other in isolated valleys and exhibit a variety of unique characteristics. Many Partula tree snails have been lost already and today the survivors exist in zoos and in the world’s first wildlife reserves for snails. This invasion by a biological control agent has caused a significant loss of biodiversity.

Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)


Water hyacinth on LakeVictoria

This South American native is one of the worst aquatic weeds in the world. Its beautiful, large purple and violet flowers make it a popular ornamental plant for ponds. It is now found in more than 50 countries on five continents. Water hyacinth is a very fast growing plant, with populations known to double in as little
as 12 days. Infestations of this weed block waterways, limiting boat traffic, swimming and fishing. Water hyacinth also prevents sunlight and oxygen from reaching the water column and submerged plants. Its shading and crowding of native aquatic plants dramatically reduces biological diversity in aquatic ecosystems.

Nile Perch (Lates niloticus)

The Nile perch was introduced to Lake Victoria, Africa in 1954 to counteract the drastic drop in native fish stocks caused by over-fishing. It has contributed to the extinction of more than 200 endemic fish species through predation and competition for food. The flesh of Nile perch is oilier than that of the local fish, so more trees were felled to fuel fires to dry the catch. The subsequent erosion and runoff contributed to increased nutrient levels, opening the lake up to invasions by algae and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). These invasions in turn led to oxygen depletion in the lake, which resulted in the death of more fish.


Commercial exploitation of the Nile perch has displaced local men and women from their traditional fishing and processing work. The far-reaching impacts of this introduction have been devastating for the environment as well as for communities that depend on the lake.

@ Published by: Invasive Species Specialist Group


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